Oil Changes—Your Vehicle’s Best Friend!

Why Is Oil So Important?

According to CarTalk and many industry experts, changing your vehicle’s motor oil in a timely manner, based on the manufacturer’s recommendations, is one of THE most important things you can do to keep your vehicle on the road longer, with less headaches and give you more peace of mind… and avoid bringing large bags of money to your mechanic later on.

This same theory goes for all recommended maintenance services. Honestly, it goes back to the old adage: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Preventive maintenance at all stages of an automobile’s life is critical to longevity, drive-ability, safety and your peace of mind.

Motor oil is a huge factor in a car’s or truck’s proper operation. Automotive oil lubricates, cleans, and cools many internal components of your engine. That’s its job! Motor oil today is actually not just plain, old distillate, organic oil. Some are still out there. But most of today’s cars require high-tech, expensive oils based on the fact that their engines are made with ever-smaller tolerances, are higher performing and involve some amazing specs.

Motor oil today is a combination of technological advances never seen in lubricants from the past. With detergents, emulsifiers, performance additives and synthetic-blended oil components, they’re a high tech as the cars and trucks they work in. Many oils that are required in today’s high end cars are actually not organic oil but are completely synthetic…and usually have a price tag to go with it.

Always reference your owner’s manual for the proper/required motor oil type for your car and truck!

How Often Do I Need An Oil Change?

There’s a lot of controversy about exactly when engine oil is considered “old” and how often it should be replaced with new oil. Because there are many factors at work — how you drive, the condition and age of the engine, the external environment you drive in, and stop-and-go versus highway driving — it’s an inexact science. Owner’s manual recommendations for oil and filter changes vary from 3,000 to 10,000 miles. Please, always refer to your vehicle’s specific recommendations for in your owner’s manual.

Many drivers today operate their vehicle in severe conditions, according to most manufacturers. Be aware if you tow a trailer, carry heavy loads regularly, or drive in stop and go traffic regularly, your car may qualify as a vehicle driven under “severe conditions” and thus be recommended to have maintenance, such as oil changes, done on a more frequent basis than those who drive in more “normal conditions”.

NOTE: You may want to consider changing your oil more frequently if:

  • You are hard on your car:  jackrabbit starts, heavy acceleration or high-speed driving
  • You live where the climate is extremely hot or cold
  • You often drive on dirt roads
  • Your engine is old and burns oil
  • You frequently carry heavy loads
  • You tow a trailer
  • You drive in heavier city traffic