Tune Up

Tune ups are the equivalent to a wellness check up we all go in and do from time to time with a our medical doctor(s). These periodic appointments are best to be done either yearly, or you can follow the owners manual for proper tune up interval information. Tune ups consist of preventative maintenance items to ensure the vehicle is operating properly & efficiently. The main services during these appointments are inspecting the vehicle for any wear & tear on parts, belts, hoses; Along with replacing the air filter, fuel filter, oxygen sensors, positive crankcase ventilation valve, and spark plug wires.

Many customers get confused at what is the difference between tune ups and services. Tune ups are strictly maintenance items that need to be addressed on a continual basis of owning a car, truck or SUV. A service is when you have to replace, repair, or install major vehicle system components.

Feel free to call us here at Harmony Automotive to schedule your routine tune up today.